We are honored to announce this month’s banana bud, Yuri Williams! @AFutureSuperHero Through his non-profit organization, A Future SuperHero and Friends, Yuri has been able to help make a difference in the lives of many! By sharing his time as well as through random acts of kindness, Yuri strives to improve the quality of life while restoring hope in the world around him.
From offering essential items like food, clothing & hygiene kits to the homeless… to visiting children in need all throughout the United States, Yuri continues to offer his companionship and support to everyone he can! Since the start of his foundation, Yuri has helped many including Veterans, Animals, the Elderly, the Homeless, and Children… All while dressed as their favorite SuperHeroes! By dressing up as these Heros… those around him feel more at ease, see him as more approachable, and are more susceptible to smile!
Yuri is currently planning his 50 States / Hope for the Holidays Tour! Alongside his good friend, Rodney Smith Jr, these two will be traveling the U.S. on a mission to assure that those in need are able to enjoy and experience a Happy Holiday this year!
Make sure to catch Yuri this coming Wednesday on GMA, Oct 12, 2022, to learn more! #YuriOnGMA
Some tasks are just too big for one hero to take on alone, which is why there’s the Avengers and Justice League! Do you wanna be a Hero? Join A Future SuperHero and Friends at www.AFutureSuperHero.org to see how you can help and become a Hero yourself!